Persian kitten is a desirable creature for pet lovers. Their tiny legs, adorable faces, fluffy fur, big round eyes, and chubby cheeks can fascinate anyone. You also will be mesmerized by their waddling gait if you too are planning to adopt or buy a Persian kitten. then you will have many questions in your mind related to Persian kitten price and care. In the article, I have given all the information related to them.
how much does a Persian kitten cost
Persian kitten price is affected by many factors such as breed, color, coat, and coat type. Let me tell you how much is Persian kitten is, It is around Rs 10,000 to Rs 35,000. What will be their price according to their color and other parameters? Read further.
Persian kitten Prices based on colors
Persian kitten Color | Price |
orange Persian kitten price | INR 15,000 – 30,000 |
white persian kitten price | IND 12,000 – 30,000 |
tabby Persian kitten price | IND 13,000 – 20,000 |
black Persian kitten price | IND 12,000 – 40,000 |
Calico Persian kitten price | IND 20,000 – 60,000 |
Ginger Persian kitten price | IND 15,000 – 30,000 |
Persian grey kitten price | IND 15,000 – 40,000 |
Persian kitten Prices are based on face structure
Teacup Persian kitten price | INR 20,000 – 50,000 |
Doll face Persian kitten price | IND 15,000 – 30,000 |
Punch face kitten price (peke-face) | IND 30,000 – 60,000 |
Semi-punch face kitten price | IND 25,000 – 40,000 |
Chinchilla Persian kitten price | IND 40,000 – 80,000 |
How to care for a Persian kitten
The weight of a kitten at the time of birth is approximately 80 grams to 100 grams. He makes 10 to 15 gains every day. Keep in mind that the kitten should be separated from its mother only when it is 4-5 weeks old. At this age their weight ranges between 450 to 600 grams. The immune system of 4-5 week-old kittens also strengthens and they start self-feeding.
If there are other sibling kittens with them, then they have to be taken special care of because while playing, they hurt each other’s eyes with their sharp nails.
Adapting to the home environment

In the first few days, you may face a lot of problems, such as your kitten may not eat anything and may remain hidden for hours. But there is nothing to worry about, she does this because she is separated from her mother for the first time. One reason for their nervousness is the new environment. One reason for their nervousness is the new environment. During this time, do not hold them too much in your hands. Let them roam around the house and be comfortable.
Inspire them to spend time with you with the help of kitten toys. so that they will realize that you will not harm them and they will start socializing with you. If you have small children in your house, try not to let them pick up the kitten until it is completely comfortable.
Persians are calm cats, so they quickly become friendly with other pets. But be careful when introducing the kitten to other pets in the house, especially if it is a dog.
How To Care for Your Persian Kitten
- Quality Nutrition: Kittens’ teeth are in the growing stage. Dry food affects their teeth and gums. Wet food is the best option as it can be easily chewed and digested. It is a carnivorous creature, hence its meal should include things like meat and fish. Homemade food is a great option in which you can give boiled chicken. But if you are a vegetarian then wet food is easily available in pet stores.
- Provide fresh and clean water all the time
Can we give milk to Persian kitten

Cats are also mammals like us humans, who drink milk through mother-feeding after birth. Most cats are lactose intolerant, meaning cow milk and other dairy products can upset their stomachs. It is not right to give milk to them after 5 weeks of age.
2. Persian kitten Grooming: The Persian is a high-maintenance cat because of its long fur. Their dense fur requires daily brushing. Grooming habits should be inculcated in kittens since childhood. If you do daily brushing and regular bathing of young Persian kittens, then when they grow up, you will not have to struggle with their grooming.
3. Persian cat training: Persian cats are very curious and are easy to train. You can give your Persian kitten motivation at the beginning of training with treats and affection. Gradually it becomes part of their nature. They are a bit moody, hence do not handle them forcefully, due to this they get stressed and by doing this again and again, their nature becomes irritable.
It may take some time to follow your command, so you have to be patient. The training process can be a little frustrating, but you have to stay calm and appreciate the kitten’s small training progress with treats.
Also read this: Himalayan Vs Persian Cat Difference Based On Characteristics And Care (With Picture)
how to train Persian kitten for litter box
You don’t need to worry about cleaning up the kitten’s pee and stool until it’s 30 days old. Because at this time only their mother cleans them. After 4 weeks they start walking and playing. Then it is very important to give them litter training otherwise they will keep littering here and there.

These are some easy steps for Persian cat litter training:
- Pick up the kitten 4 to 5 times a day and place it in the litter tray.
- When your cotton ball pees outside the litter tray, take a clean tissue paper and gently rub it on the genital area of the kitten. Put that tissue paper in the litter tray. Then put the kitten in the litter tray.
- Smelling the tissue paper will help the kitten understand that this is its place to pee and pass stool.
- The kitten will be litter box trained within two days. Whenever he comes to the litter box, you can give him a treat which will encourage him more.
Persian cat male and female difference

It is a little difficult to tell the gender of a Persian kitten at the time of birth. Both males and females are born with two anatomical openings, the anus and urethra, but the gap between these two openings makes it easy to identify their gender. There is a bigger gap in the genital parts of males than that of females.
Persian kitten deworming schedule
Deworming is very important for kittens to eliminate their stomach parasites. Some people use homemade remedies like turmeric and coconut oil for their deworming. If you want to use home remedies for kitten dewormer, then consult your veterinarian First.
Veterinarian-recommended deworming medicine can be used according to this schedule.
- First Deworming of Kittens between 4-6 weeks old
- 2nd deworming at 2 month old
- 3rd deworming at 3 month old
- 4th deworming at 4 month old
- 5th deworming at 5 month old
- 6th deworming at 6 month old
- Deworming once every 2 months, after 6 months of age.
Also read: Himalayan Cat Prices In India: Care Tips, Rare Colors And Lifespan

I am Saral Kumar, a passionate blogger who dedicates my time to providing valuable information on pet care, especially cats. I create content that helps cat owners to understand their furry friends better and take care of them. I have spent the last decade trying to understand cats better. So I am sharing my valuable insights and tips with my fellow cat enthusiasts through writing.