If you are a cat lover looking for a lovely and playful being, the Himalayan cat is one of the best cat breeds for you. Suppose you are thinking of buying a Himalayan cat and have many questions wandering in your mind related to Himalayan cat price in India in rupees. Although their price depends on many factors, the price can be around Rs 28,000 to Rs 50,000. Himalayan cats are more expensive than other breeds. In that case, I will tell you about all the prices associated with this cat.
This cat is also known as Himmie. Here I will also cover the Himalayan cat breed price in Indian major cities.
Relax! I also have had a Himalayan cat for the last two years. I will tell you all the information related to this cat from my personal experiences, like its routine care, food, and health issues. Read on to find out what you need to keep in mind before purchasing this beautiful and adorable blue-eyed angel.
Breed Overview | Description |
Height | 12 to 16 Inches |
Weight | 8 to 12 pounds (3-5 Kg) |
Lifespan | Up to 18 years |
Eyes color | Blue |
Price | 28,000 Rs to 60,000 Rs |
Coat | Pointed marking on White or Cream body |
Personality | Calm, Gentle, and friendly |
Origin | Thailand, Iran, and the United States |

What is the price range of Himalayan cats in India?
It depends on many factors on how much a Himalayan cat can cost, Himalayan cat price in India in rupees is around Rs.30,000 to Rs.55,000. However, the price of a Himalayan cat depends on many factors such as its color, size, gender, and health. Some breeds of this cat are rare, and the rare Himalayan cat price in Indian rupees from Rs 80,000 to Rs 1 lakh.
Male cats cost more than female cats. An adult male Himalayan cat can cost around Rs 40000 and above. On the other hand, the price of a female Himalayan cat price in Indian rupees starts from Rs 25000 to Rs 30000. You can get better Himalayan cat price in Delhi because there are many breeders here.
Himalayan Cat Breed Price in Indian Major Cities
Cities | Price |
1. Himalayan Cat Price in Delhi | 25,000-55000 Rs |
2. Himalayan Cat Price in Mumbai | 30,000-55000 Rs |
3. Himalayan Cat Price in Kerala | 30,000-55000 Rs |
4. Himalayan Cat Price in Lucknow | 30,000-55000 Rs |
5. Himalayan Cat Price in Chandigarh | 30,000-60000 Rs |
6. Himalayan Cat Price in Kolkata | 30,000-55000 Rs |
7. Himalayan Cat Price in Bengaluru | 30,000-60000 Rs |
how much do Himalayan kittens cost
The price of a Himalayan cat kitten price is less than that of an adult cat. If you want to buy a good quality kitten, it can cost you between Rs 25,000 and Rs 35,000 in the Indian market. Raising a big cat requires more expense and more care, that’s why the price of a Himalayan kitten price is less than that of an adult cat. Also, the cost of male and female kittens may be different.
How to identify Himalayan kitten gender
It becomes very difficult to determine the gender of young kittens, so we often buy kittens of the wrong gender and sometimes get cheated. Because they are unable to identify the gender correctly, some shopkeepers sell female kittens by calling them Male Kittens and vice versa.
But now it will be very easy for you to identify the gender of kittens. You just have to pay attention to these three things, through which you will be able to find out the gender of your kitten very easily.
Method to Identify the Gender of Kitten
1. Size: Male kittens are larger than females.
2. Weight: Male kittens weigh more than female kittens due to more bone mass.
If you are not able to find out the gender of the kittens even with these two methods, then the third method is accurate, and you can guess the gender of the kittens.
3. Genital Parts: In this method, you must lift your kitten’s tail upwards and look at its genital parts of kitten. If there is more gap between the anus and the urinary tract, it is a male kitten.
If there is less gap between the anus and the urinary tract, then it is a female kitten. You will understand this well from the image given.

Himalayan cat colors
The Himalayan cat price in India in rupees also depends on its color and fur quality. Being a mixed breed of Persian cat and Siamese cat, it is mostly in white and dark black or gray mix of colors. Apart from this, there are also other varieties of colors for this cat. The color of their nose and paws is dark grey, and their tails are also darker.
Himalayan cat color chart

What color Himalayan cat is rare?
Due to recessive genes in some Himalayan cats, their color is very rare, and the Blue Point cat is considered very rare. It is difficult to identify their color in the initial days of their birth. After 2 to 3 weeks, the color becomes visible, and it can be guessed whether it is a Seal Point, Bluepoint, or any other colored Himalayan cat.
The Blue Point Himalayan is known for its beautiful blue eyes and blue-gray patches on its face. Its tail also has a long blue-gray color.

The Tortoise Shell, also known as Seal Tutti, is considered to be the rarest Himalayan cat.
Himalayan cat growth chart
This cat’s weight ranges from approximately 3 kg to 6 kg. It is a medium-sized cat whose adult male weight can be up to 6 kg. The female is less weighty, around 4 Kg to 5 kg.
To get an idea of whether your cat is healthy or not, you can look at the growth chart given below.
Age | Male | Female |
3 Months | 1.2 – 1.8 kg | 1.1 – 1.6 kg |
4 Months | 1.7 – 2.5 kg | 1.4 – 2.0 kg |
5 Months | 2.2 – 2.8 kg | 1.7 – 2.4 kg |
6 Months | 2.5 – 3.3 kg | 1.8 – 2.6 kg |
7 Months | 2.4 – 3.6 kg | 2.0 – 2.8 kg |
8 Months | 2.8 – 3.9 kg | 2.2 – 3.1 kg |
9 Months | 3.0 – 4.2 kg | 2.4 – 3.4 kg |
10 Months | 3.0 – 4.5 kg | 2.6 – 3.7 kg |
11 Months | 3.2 – 4.8 kg | 2.8 – 4.0 kg |
1 Year (12 months) | 3.6 – 5.4 kg | 3.2 – 4.5 kg |
Himalayan cat care
If you are going to keep a cat for the first time and you have any questions regarding its care, like what to feed your Himalayan cat and when to feed it, here I will give you complete information, following which you can keep your cat healthy. Himalayan cat grooming also plays a big role in keeping them healthy.
Also read: Himalayan Cat Care Tips For Keeping Your Himmie Happy And Healthy
Himalayan Cat Diet & Nutrition
Himalayan cats are very playful, which is why they digest their food quickly. The quantity of their food depends on their age and weight. You can give three meals a day to an adult cat. You can use cat supplements in their diet, which mainly include taurine (an important Amino acid), calcium, and multivitamins
Nutritional needs | Quantity |
Protien | 3-4 gm (per kg of body weight) |
Fat | Protein |
Carbs | 10-15 % of daily meal |
You can also give your cats high-quality cat food, but keep in mind that before giving any cat food and supplement to your cat, consult the veterinarian.
- Important: Do not change the brand of cat food frequently as this can upset their stomach and lead to other problems.
Home-made food: If you don’t want to feed packaged cat food, you can also give her homemade food. You can also give her boiled Chicken, Boiled Egg, Curd, and Chicken feet which they eat very fondly.
Provide clean Water: Always make sure your Himalayan cat has access to clean water at all times. Change water 1 to 2 times a day to prevent Allergies.

Why are Himalayan cats so expensive?
Many factors make Himalayan cats so expensive. This cat is the result of years of careful breeding, which increases its price. Himmies are bred in professional catteries by experienced breeders, where the chances of producing kittens with good genes are increased by taking care of their pedigree.
Show-quality Himalayan cats are in high demand due to their excellent looks and features. Additionally, Champion Bloodline cats are also imported which is the main reason for the increase in their prices.
Along with this, there are some regular expenses for keeping them which are as follows:
1. Grooming cost of Himalayan cat
It is known for its long elegant fur and regular grooming is required to maintain its fluffy fur. This grooming session includes bathing, hair trimming, nail trimming, and cleaning of ears and eyes. During grooming, they need specific cat shampoo, conditioner, ear cleaning solution, etc.
To avoid tangling of their long fur, brushing is required twice a day for which you may need to buy a comb and brush. To keep your Himalayan always beautiful and fresh, you may have to spend from Rs 2000 to Rs 3000 per month.
Grooming Frequency
- Bathing: After every 2 months.
- Brushing: Once or twice a day.
- Ear cleaning: At least Once a week.
- Teeth cleaning: Daily
- Nail Trimming: Twice a month
2. Litter cost of Himalayan cat
This is a very intelligent cat breed that learns to use the litter box in 1 to 2 days, due to which you do not have to spend on their litter box training. These cats like to stay clean, so their litter box should always be clean and fresh.
The size of the litter box should be adequate so that it can fit easily in it. You may have to invest Rs 1500 to Rs 2000 every month in good quality litter. Due to this your house will also remain free from odor.

3. Cost of regular vet checkup
There can be many health problems in Himalayan cats, some of which are very dangerous, so it is very important to monitor them regularly. Some health problems can be easily identified by symptoms, while some can be very complex to understand, and can be detected only by ultrasound and X-rays.
In the first one to two years, the cost of vaccination is high, which can be around Rs 6000 to Rs 8000, but do not worry, after that this cost is reduced. In India, the cost of taking them for routine checkups cannot exceed Rs 1000 to Rs 2000. Take them to the vet once every two months, in their deworming routine can also be followed.
4. Investment in toys and accessories
You will also have to make a one-time investment in their entertainment so that they remain active and avoid obesity. For their exercise, you may have to buy some interactive toys like balls, stuffed toys, and feather sticks.
To prevent them from scratching the furniture, you should provide them with a scratching area in which Himalayan cats relieve your stress by scratching
Can Himalayan cats be left alone?
This is an independent cat breed that is easily trained. With proper food, clean water, and a clean litter box, they can be kept alone for a maximum of 6 to 8 hours. If left alone for more than this time, they can get bored or stressed. Only kittens older than 6 months can be kept alone. For their entertainment, you can keep cat toys or other pets that are gentle with them.
How long do Himalayan cats live?
Himalayan cat lifespan is quite good. The average cat lifespan in India is from 10 to 15 years, which if we calculate this in human age, is around 50 to 77 years.
you have plenty of time to create a good bond with your cat. Himalayans are very loyal and excellent companies, so, certainly, you will never feel lonely with them.
Can Himalayan cats be outdoor cats?
Himmies are very curious and adapt quickly to new habits. With the right care and training, you can take them outdoors for some time which can be entertaining for them. Take them to areas with a lot of traffic, noise, and stray dogs. Although these are manly indoor cats, they can still be taken for walks with proper harnesses, leashes, and precautions.
Some important things to keep in mind before taking your cat for a walk.
- Make it wear a proper harness.
- Keep it away from street dogs and cats.
- Do not pick up the cat too much as it makes it nervous.
- Let it scratch and climb trees but with a leash.
- Keep it away from poisonous plants.
- Sanitize the cat’s paws after it returns home.
I hope that you have got the answers to all the questions related to the price and care of the Himalayan cat, which will help you decide if it is the ideal pet for your family. If you have the answers, do not delay making a beautiful and fluffy Himalayan a member of your home. I have had a lot of cats over the years and this is my personal experience that a Himalayan cat can make a good companion and stress buster too
1. What color Himalayan cat is rare?
Blue Point and Tortoiseshell is a rare Himalayan cat.
2. can Himalayan cats drink milk?
No, Himalayan cats are Lactose Intolerant.
3. can Himalayan cats have green eyes?
No, All Himalayan cats have beautiful blue eyes.
4. Why do cats hiss?
This is a sign of anxiety, fear, and agitation.
5. How often should I deworm my cat?
If your cat goes outdoors then it is very important to deworm it at least once every three months.

I am Saral Kumar, a passionate blogger who dedicates my time to providing valuable information on pet care, especially cats. I create content that helps cat owners to understand their furry friends better and take care of them. I have spent the last decade trying to understand cats better. So I am sharing my valuable insights and tips with my fellow cat enthusiasts through writing.