Explore Rare Cat Breeds.

Explore unique and exotic felines from around the world

Egyptian Mau

Egyptian Maus are one of the few domestic cats with naturally spotted coats.

Kurilian Bobtail

Originating from Russia, these cats have a distinctive 'pom-pom' tail.

Sokoke cat

The Sokoke, which originated in Kenya, is a unique cat breed notable for its marbled coat.

Lykoi cat

The Lykoi, sometimes known as the 'werewolf cat', has a distinctive patchy coat that lends it a feral appearance.

Serengeti cat

The Serengeti is a breed that was intended to mimic wild servals. It has long legs and huge ears.

Khao Manee

Often called the 'Diamond Eye' cat, this Thai breed has strikingly beautiful eyes, sometimes odd-colored

American Wirehair

This breed, with its unusual wiry coat, is a unique variety of the American Shorthair.


The Chartreux is a placid and gentle breed, distinguished by its dense, blue-gray coats and smiling countenance.

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